Validation of the results of the Diagnostic Study of the Priority Conservation Landscape of “Grand Saloum”.

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From 22nd to 23rd Wetlands international held, in The Gambia, the validation of the results of the Diagnostic Study of the “Grand Saloum” Conservation Priority Landscape within the framework of the Mangrove Management from Senegal to Benin Project. About thirty stakeholders from Senegal and Gambia participated in this meeting. the key achievements of the event are:

  • Validation of the study
  • Validation of working mechanism between “Plateform Mangrove” of Senegal and the “Niumi Plateform” in the Gambia
  • Roadmap for the cross-bordering platform of mangrove management in Grand Saloum landscape
  • Training on How to apply for GEFOMA Grants

The overall objective of this project is to achieve integrated protection of the biodiversity and fragile ecosystems of Mangroves in West Africa and their enhanced resilience to climate change in 9 countries, divided into 4 priority landscapes of Conservation PPC. Wetlands International is the lead agency for the “Grand Saloum” Landscape, which corresponds to the Saloum-Niumi Transboundary Biosphere Reserve between Senegal and the Gambia.
The project “Management of mangrove forests from Senegal to Benin” – PAPBio C1-Mangroves is implemented by IUCN as lead applicant, Wetlands International, and the 5 Deltas Collective as co-applicants, with financial support from the European Union.