This publication comprises results and overviews of wetland surveys and waterbird counts between April 1997 and March 1998, centred around the key months of July 1997 and January 1998. It is the eighth annual African Waterbird Census (AfWC) report and, like previous editions, is presented in both English and French.

African Waterbird Census No. 8 (1998)
downloadThe report is divided into five sub-regional sections, within which national overviews are followed by tables summarising waterbird data at the sub-regional level and potential Ramsar sites found to meet Ramsar criterion 3(c). A sub-regional summary discussion of the region’s results and other related topics is also presented. The final section provides additional information related to the AfWC, notably updates from the Conventions, Waterbird Specialist Groups and partners, lists of National Coordinators and waterbirds, and a bibliography. This year the report has been produced in Africa for the first time in our West Africa office in Dakar, Senegal.