This publication is a compilation of data and reports of African Waterbird Census carried out between April 1998 and March 2001, with particular emphasis on the months of July and January each year. It is the ninth report of this type, presenting results from three successive years (1999, 2000 and 2001). It presents information from the five AfWC subregions, giving national overviews and tables showing the total numbers of birds counted per site. These national sections are followed by sub-regional tables giving the numbers of each species per country, whilst data is also used to identify sites of international importance (including potential Ramsar Sites that support more than 1% of the populations of those species given (i.e. sites meeting criterion 6 of the Convention on Wetlands). Discussions per region highlight some the important aspects of the census and AfWC network.

African Waterbird Census No. 9 (1999, 2000, 2001)
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Africa is a very important continent for waterbirds. Not only for the impressive list of populations of African waterbirds, but also for the millions of migratory waterbirds that depend on wetlands like the Inner Niger Delta in Mali and the Banc d’Argain on the coast of Mauretania. These wetlands are crucial for the survival of millions of waders or herons. Wetlands like these are also very vulnerable. Lake Chad, a very important area for waterbirds, reduced considerable in size due to irrigation and possibly climate change.
Policy makers and NGOs need information on bird populations and their migration patters to be able to identify crucial wetlands and to be able to take the right decisions. Wetlands International is providing this information with this African Waterbird Cencus publication.