
Mobile Exposition: Save Our Mangroves!

Save Our Mangroves! is a mobile exposition in three languages: English, French and Portuguese, which highlights the importance of mangrove forests in West Africa, the drivers […]

Water sharing in the Upper Niger Basin

The scope of this study encompasses the Upper Niger Basin in Mali, focussing on the downstream Inner Niger Delta up to Tombouctou. It focuses on […]

The Water Crisis in the Inner Niger Delta (Mali)

The presentation below describes the water crisis in the Inner Niger Delta of Mali, one of the continent’s largest wetlands, and the relation to dam […]

Management impact of scarce water resources of the Upper Niger on the IND

This presentation on the Inner Niger Delta discusses the hydrology, water grab by existing and future dams, socio-economic and ecological impacts of water grab downstream, […]

African-Eurasian Waterbird Monitoring Partnership

Robust data for effective waterbird conservation Migratory waterbirds are culturally and economically important, but vulnerable to habitat loss, overexploitation and other pressures. Countries along their […]

Integrating Human Health into Wetland Management for the Inner Niger Delta, Mali

Livelihood and water-related diseases are strongly linked to wetland management. The majority of wetland stakeholders in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali considered human health and […]

Challenges to the integration of wetlands into IWRM: The case of the Inner Niger Delta (Mali) and the Lobau Floodplain (Austria)

This paper assesses the critical path approach implemented in the Inner Niger Delta (Mali) and the Lobau Floodplain (Austria). Wetlands International – Mali has been […]

Waterbird Populations Estimates Fifth Edition

This is the Summary Report of the Fifth Edition of the Waterbird Population Estimates, whose main objective is to provide a global overview of the […]

Storm Surge Reduction by Mangroves

Mangroves can reduce storm surge water levels by slowing the flow of water and reducing surface waves. Therefore mangroves can potentially play a role in […]

Investigating Avian Influenza Infection Hotspots in Old-World Shorebirds

In this study the authors, including our own Bouba Fofana of our Mali Office and Associate Expert Tim Dodman, looked for Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) […]