
Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau / WWD – Wetlands International calls for well-preserved wetlands

Wetlands International Africa has this year chosen the Mangrove Natural Park of Cacheu (PNTC), in northern Guinea-Bissau, to celebrate the World Wetlands Day (WWD), one […]

Senegal / RBDS Management: Wetlands International and the Foundiougne DC sign Partnership Agreement

As part of the Mangrove Platform introduced in March by the District Council of this area with the technical and financial support of Wetlands International, […]


Integrated delta management

Deltas are complex environments that consist of a patchwork of different ecosystem types and land uses. Perspectives and interests of stakeholders are equally diverse. We […]


Coastal resilience

Hard structures like dams, sea walls, and canals have boosted coastal development but also led to the loss of valuable coastal wetlands and their services. […]


Aquaculture, fisheries and coastal agriculture

Wetlands serve the needs of many different stakeholder groups. They provide vital services to production systems including flood and drought regulation, water quality enhancement and […]


Coastal wetland conservation

Considering that 23% of the world’s population and 60% of all mega cities are located in lowland areas within 100 kilometres of the sea, coastal […]


Vibrant Coasts and Deltas

Mangroves, mudflats, saltmarshes and sea grasses in deltas and along the coast provide millions of people with a vital source of income and protect them […]

Praia, Cape Verde / 8th Forum of the PRCM – Wetlands International’s CEO calls for a consideration of climate change in the conservation of wetlands

Wetlands International actively participated in the opening of the 8th edition of the marine and coastal regional forum of the PRCM currently on course in […]

Sustainable management of mangroves in Africa – Wetlands International and IUCN work on a Regional Programme

Under the support of the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Zone in West Africa (PRCM), Wetlands International and the International Union […]

Zanzibar / African Blue Carbon Scientific Work Group Meeting: Wetlands International leads West African delegation

Wetlands International participates in the african blue carbon scientific work group meeting opened on wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 in Zanzibar ending on September 25th. A […]