
Will the Inner Niger Delta shrivel up due to climate change and water use upstream?

When the climate will change in the Sahel, this will have an impact on the flooding of the Inner Niger Delta and, therefore, also on its […]


Communities in the face of Climate Change in Guinea Bissau

This video tells the story of how mangrove dependent communities in Guinea Bissau are affected by climate change and how Wetlands International Africa’s work helps […]

Impact of dams on the people of Mali

This brochure provides a base for decisions regarding the use of water of the Upper Niger. The brochure presents facts about proposed and existing dams […]

Wetlands and Climate Change Adaptation Brochure

This 6-page brochure demonstrates how wetlands in a healthy, intact condition can greatly contribute to attenuate the water related impacts of climate change. Due to their […]


Better use of the water of the Inner Niger Delta in a changing climate

This video shows images from the Inner Niger Delta in Mali, Africa and interviews with local farmers and fishermen and women on how the water […]

Niger Basin Atlas

This ‘Atlas of the Niger River Basin’, published with the technical support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is intended to better know the importance […]

Strengthening policies for wise use and management of wetlands in four ecoregions (West and Central Africa): Contribution by Wetlands International

This recommendation brochure is the culmination of a lengthy process of exchanges and discussions between wetlands and ibodiversity specialists, representatives of government agencies and ministries, and […]

Striking a Balance

This leaflet promotes the Striking a Balance (SAB) approach, which seeks to address the widespread and growing pressures on wetlands in Africa from agricultural and other […]

The Niger, a lifeline (Summary booklet)

The aim of this study is to develop a decision-support system for effective river management in the Upper Niger, in which ecological and socio-economic impacts […]

The Niger, a lifeline

An extensive study on the impact of existing and planned dams in the Upper Niger. Impacts such as irrigation, hydropower generation but also loss of […]