

Thinking With The Landscape – Rwambu, Uganda


Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure

Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure is a general outline of our interventions and outcomes in the region; namely Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.


Communities living along the Ewaso Ng’iro basin journey with camels to advocate for the conservation of the river

On 15th September 2017 more than 200 participants from different counties concluded a five day trek along the Ewaso Ng’iro basin. In the scorching sun the […]

Launch of the 2016 World Disasters Report in Senegal – Resilience to natural ecosystems & major change in the financing of international aid recommended

The 2016 World Disasters Report has been published recently in Senegal by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. According to the […]

Mali / Water management of wetlands: towards setting a methodology for determining environmental flows for the Upper and Inner Niger Delta

The development of a participatory methodology for determining environmental flows for the Upper and Inner Niger Delta, was the purpose of the international workshop that […]

Kenya / Climate Resilient Flyway Network Workshop in Kisumu – Wetlands International exchanges experiences in wetlands’ conservation for waterbirds and sustainable livelihoods in a changing climate

Wetlands International, its partners and other stakeholders from all over the world converged for a Climate Resilient Flyway Network Workshop from the 20th to 24thMarch […]


Climate and Disaster Risks

Arid wetlands are vital water stores in otherwise uninhabitable landscapes. They fortify the capacity of local people in surviving droughts and fighting desertification. A changing […]

Senegal / Climate Change Adaptation – With support from Wetlands International, journalists set up the “Friends of Mangrove Journalists Association” and a “Network on Climate Change”

Senegalese journalists of Fatick and Kaolack (center) together with their colleagues from St. Louis (North), have recently created the Friends of Mangrove Journalists Association (AAJAM) […]

Mali / Reducing Disasters Risks, Climate Change Adaptation – PfR villages inspired by the experience of PADIN2 in Bambarawel

The ‘Reducing Disasters Risks, Climate Change Adaptation, Management and Restoration of Ecosystems’ Project (RRD / ACC / GRE) in the inner Niger Delta, which is […]

Managing Mali’s Wetland Wealth for People and Nature

Wetlands International has been in Mali since 1998. As we near the end of a second decade in the country, we want to highlight and celebrate what’s […]