
Image-Watershed Publication

Watershed – Empowering Citizens – Kenya

Watershed - empowering citizens, is a five year (2016 – 2020) strategic partnership programme, that aims to build the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for evidence-based lobbying and advocacy on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) issues including fulfilment of human right to water, sanitation and sustainable allocation of water resources.


Conserving wetlands for waterbirds and people – Ethiopia

Why are wetlands so important for waterbirds and people? In order to ensure the survival of millions of waterbirds migrating between Europe and Africa every […]


Thinking With The Landscape – Rwambu, Uganda


Enlisting the Private Sector to sustain Landscapes and Communities in Kenya

Earlier this year, Wetlands International undertook training of its staff on how to proactively engage the private sector actors to become stewards of the environment […]


Safeguarding the Tana River Basin – Kenya

Wetlands International Kenya successfully launched a study on The Economics of Ecosystem Services of the Tana River Basin in Nairobi Kenya. The study provides evidence […]


Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure

Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure is a general outline of our interventions and outcomes in the region; namely Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.

African Waterbird Census Site Description Form

African Waterfowl Census Form West Africa

Explanatory Note and Guidelines for the Site Description form of the African Waterfowl Census

This Explanatory Note and Guidelines for the Site Description form of the African Waterfowl Census is largely based on the text of the Explanatory Notes […]

Fieldwork and training for monitoring fish bio-diversity along the coast of West Africa using seabirds as indicators