

New Kenya wetlands regulations set to ease overload threatening the country’s water security

Kenya has been experiencing many challenges affecting the wetland ecosystem, which vary from human-induced to natural causes with lots of concerns raised over the current […]


A step toward resilience in Ethiopia’s Somali Region

The Somali region of Ethiopia which has a population of about 5 million people, is the most important food and water insecure region in the […]


Wetlands International Supervisory Council visits Kenya

Wetlands International Supervisory Council accompanied by Wetlands International Management Team visited Kenya between 4th and 8th December 2017. The group led by a diverse team […]


Engaging the private sector for a sustainable landscape management.

Partnerships with the private sector potentially offer a new entry point for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in the water and development sector. A training […]


Enlisting the Private Sector to sustain Landscapes and Communities in Kenya

The private sector has an enormous impact on the environment, either directly through resource extraction, manufacturing, agriculture and industry; or indirectly through consolidation and processing of products from farmers, artisans and miners. These activities can have devastating effects on people and ecosystems.


Conserving wetlands for waterbirds and people – Ethiopia

Why are wetlands so important for waterbirds and people? In order to ensure the survival of millions of waterbirds migrating between Europe and Africa every […]


Thinking With The Landscape – Rwambu, Uganda


Enlisting the Private Sector to sustain Landscapes and Communities in Kenya

Earlier this year, Wetlands International undertook training of its staff on how to proactively engage the private sector actors to become stewards of the environment […]


Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure

Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure is a general outline of our interventions and outcomes in the region; namely Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.

Sélingué, Mali / Integrated water resources management – The BAM-GIRE Programme launched by Wetlands International

Wetlands International Mali has chosen the city of Sélingué, 140 km from Bamako, to launch its new program on integrated water resources management called “BAM-GIRE. […]