

Safeguarding the Tana River Basin – Kenya

Wetlands International Kenya successfully launched a study on The Economics of Ecosystem Services of the Tana River Basin in Nairobi Kenya. The study provides evidence […]


Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure

Wetlands International Eastern-Africa Brochure is a general outline of our interventions and outcomes in the region; namely Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.

Fieldwork and training for monitoring fish bio-diversity along the coast of West Africa using seabirds as indicators

Guinea-Bissau / The World Migratory Birds Day celebrated

World Migratory Birds Day (WMBD) was celebrated on 12th and 13th May 2017 in Guinea-Bissau. An opportunity for the Organization for the Defense and Development […]

Senegal / Bird Conservation – The 14th Pan African Ornithological Congress (PAOC) launched in Dakar

The 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress is on in Senegal. PAOC 14 was launched on Monday, October 17th, 2016 in Dakar by Senegal’s Minister of Environment […]

Senegal / PAOC 14. The Study on Black Crowned Crane in Casamance presented at the Congress

On the sidelines of the 14th edition of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC14) held in Dakar from 16th to 21st October 2016, the study on […]

Senegal hosts the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress in October 2016 – A first of its kind in a French-speaking country of West Africa

From the 16th to 21st October 2016, Senegal will be the African capital of Ornithology through the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC). For the first […]

Kenya / Climate Resilient Flyway Network Workshop in Kisumu – Wetlands International exchanges experiences in wetlands’ conservation for waterbirds and sustainable livelihoods in a changing climate

Wetlands International, its partners and other stakeholders from all over the world converged for a Climate Resilient Flyway Network Workshop from the 20th to 24thMarch […]

Senegal / Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds: Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye presents the 2015 AEWA Award to the press

The prestigious 2015 AEWA Award recently conferred to Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye in Bonn, Germany, was presented to the media at a press briefing this Tuesday, […]

Senegal / Amadou Sow, AIV Ndiaël winner of 2015 AEWA Award: ”This award is a challenge and a motivation for us’’

The President of the Inter Villager Association (AIV) of Ndiaël is aware of the magnitude of the task that awaits him and his organization after […]