
Wetlands International Kenya, NEMA in partnership to improve management of wetlands

On April 19, 2017, Wetlands International Kenya and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides for […]

Sénégal / Sustainable community based enterprise ‘’Promoting oyster farming in the Sine Saloum Delta. ’’ Project launched

Funded by Thewaterloofoundation and executed by the Inter-Villager Association of Dassilamé (AIV), the project ‘’Promoting oyster farming as a sustainable community enterprise in the Sine […]

Guinea-Bissau / Restoration of degraded mangrove areas – 104.3 hectares reforested by Wetlands International to conserve biodiversity

Wetlands International, the Office of Coastal Planning, the Institute of Biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas (IBAP) and the communities along the Mangroves Natural Park of […]

Kenya / How to open development when the Tana Basin is closing

On 29th of September 2016 Wetlands International successfully launched one of its latest report a study on The Economics of Ecosystem Services of the Tana […]

The Launch of The Economics of Ecosystem Services of the Tana River Basin Study Report

Wetlands International will be launching on Thursday, 29th September 2016 at Villa Rosa Kempinski, Nairobi, Kenya at 7 am, one of its latest report, The Economics of […]

Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau / WWD – Wetlands International calls for well-preserved wetlands

Wetlands International Africa has this year chosen the Mangrove Natural Park of Cacheu (PNTC), in northern Guinea-Bissau, to celebrate the World Wetlands Day (WWD), one […]

Senegal / RBDS Management: Wetlands International and the Foundiougne DC sign Partnership Agreement

As part of the Mangrove Platform introduced in March by the District Council of this area with the technical and financial support of Wetlands International, […]


Integrated delta management

Deltas are complex environments that consist of a patchwork of different ecosystem types and land uses. Perspectives and interests of stakeholders are equally diverse. We […]


Coastal resilience

Hard structures like dams, sea walls, and canals have boosted coastal development but also led to the loss of valuable coastal wetlands and their services. […]


Aquaculture, fisheries and coastal agriculture

Wetlands serve the needs of many different stakeholder groups. They provide vital services to production systems including flood and drought regulation, water quality enhancement and […]