Guinea-Bissau / Restoration of degraded mangrove areas – 104.3 hectares reforested by Wetlands International to conserve biodiversity

Home » News » Vibrant Coasts and Deltas » Coastal wetland conservation » Guinea-Bissau / Restoration of degraded mangrove areas – 104.3 hectares reforested by Wetlands International to conserve biodiversity

Wetlands International, the Office of Coastal Planning, the Institute of Biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas (IBAP) and the communities along the Mangroves Natural Park of Cacheu (PNTC) carried out the mangrove reforestation in Guinea-Bissau between August and September 2016 for the conservation of biodiversity.

This is an area of 104.33 hectares of mangrove that was replanted between August and September 2016 in Guinea-Bissau including 58.5 ha of assisted natural regeneration by Wetlands International and its partners of the Office of Coastal Planning, the Institute of biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas (IBAP) and local communities. A total of 87,409 propagules were planted. This reforestation campaign is part of the Biodiversity Conservation Project in the Mangroves Natural Park of Cacheu (PNTC) in Guinea-Bissau executed by Wetlands International and funded by the Turing Foundation.

Reforestation operations took place in the project intervention sites in Apilhol, Antotinha, Mata de Uco, Dapack and the Mangroves Natural Park of Cacheu. Hundreds of people participated in the reforestation operations.

Before the reforestation campaign, a site selection was made and allowed to choose 87.13 hectares of abandoned rice fields. A training session was held for facilitators of 12 members of villages beneficiaries and agents of the park.

Here is a video of the 2016 reforestation: