Senegal hosts the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress in October 2016 – A first of its kind in a French-speaking country of West Africa

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From the 16th to 21st October 2016, Senegal will be the African capital of Ornithology through the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC). For the first time, this event will be held in a Francophone country of our African sub-region. Senegal’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development hosted the official launching of this forthcoming PAOC Congress on June 17th, 2016.The theme this year is ” Global change: threats and opportunities for birds in Africa”.


For the first time since 1957 which marked the first edition of its kind, the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC) will be held in a Francophone country of West Africa. Senegal will host this event of lovers and experts of the avifauna from 16th to 21st October 2016. As part of the rehearsal, the country has recently organized the launching of the PAOC through a national workshop. This year, the theme of the event that will be attended by nearly 300 people focuses on: ” Global change: threats and opportunities for birds in Africa ”.

”Organizing this event is a challenge for us. The conclusions of this important meeting will enable better management and conservation of ecosystems in general and birds in particular. They will help to improve the knowledge on birds in a context of climate change, ” said Mrs. Ramatoulaye Dieng Ndiaye, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Senegal who opened the launching of PAOC 14 national workshop in Dakar.


In his introductory communication, Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye, President of the Organizing Committee, stressed on the Pan-African Ornithological Congress historic before recalling its goals and expectations.

”PAOC aims to promote the study of African birds and African birds conservation as an integral part of African heritage, to foster appreciation of birds and discussion on African birds over humans, to disseminate information on African birds through appropriate international meetings (Congress) and publications (Acts of Congress), ” he said.

The idea of holding a conference on African birds came from the invitation of President Cecily Niven of South African Ornithological Society (SOAS), the current forerunner of BirdLife South Africa, nearly 60 years ago in Zimbabwe.

PAOC is held every 4 years. It stands to be a scientific and educational organization, a forum to reflect on the African bird biology, birds and their relationship with people, and the effects of people on bird populations.