
Niger Basin Atlas

This ‘Atlas of the Niger River Basin’, published with the technical support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is intended to better know the importance […]

Strengthening policies for wise use and management of wetlands in four ecoregions (West and Central Africa): Contribution by Wetlands International

This recommendation brochure is the culmination of a lengthy process of exchanges and discussions between wetlands and ibodiversity specialists, representatives of government agencies and ministries, and […]

Priority conservation actions for coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Guinea

Results from an Ecoregional Workshop, Pointe-Noire, Congo, 19-22 April 2005. The Ecoregional Workshop was hosted and supported by the Ministry of Forest Economy and the […]

Land Cover and Avian Biodiversity in Rice Fields and Mangroves of West Africa

Striking a Balance

This leaflet promotes the Striking a Balance (SAB) approach, which seeks to address the widespread and growing pressures on wetlands in Africa from agricultural and other […]

Sirenews Numbers 45 (April 2006)

Response on Avian Infuenza outbreak in Nigeria

Facts about the outbreak and about the risks.

Sirenews Number 44 (October 2005)


The Niger, a lifeline (Summary booklet)

The aim of this study is to develop a decision-support system for effective river management in the Upper Niger, in which ecological and socio-economic impacts […]

Support for Transboundary Management of the Saloum-Niumi Complex