Restoration from Bottom-Up: Entarara Springs Eternal
For the better part of the year, parts of the Loitoktok earth in Kenya’s Kajiado County are hot and parched. But when it rains, it […]
We safeguard and restore wetlands for people and nature
For the better part of the year, parts of the Loitoktok earth in Kenya’s Kajiado County are hot and parched. But when it rains, it […]
Most parts of Kenya’s Laikipia and Kajiado counties are semi-arid. In the old days, these were sparsely populated stomping grounds for wildlife and the pastoralist […]
Kyebe Sub County in Kyotera District, Central Uganda, harbours massive flood plains located in the low-lying areas along the shores of the pale blue waters […]
Aswa river catchment in Northern Uganda experiences frequent and prolonged droughts due to increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns. These in turn have serious negative impacts on […]
Their lives are as different as night and day. A millionaire export flower grower, a small-scale farmer, a nurse who runs a community-based organisation and […]
In the arid north of Uganda, Doreen Acheng, 29, works in her small farm hoping to improve her livelihood through different ventures. A mother of […]
A major global river basin spanning 11 countries and supporting millions of people, the Nile Basin abounds in diverse wetlands. These wetlands, some transboundary, provide […]
Simon Peter Bua, a smallholder farmer aged 39, doubles up as an adult-learning teacher for his community in Angaro micro-catchment, North West Uganda. With seven […]
On January 25-26 the Climate Adaptation Summit takes place online at www.cas2021.com. Wetlands International organises two new large initiatives through formal CAS side events and […]
Wetlands International is supporting 30 smallholder farmers from upper Aswa-Agago sub-catchment in Abim District, Northern Uganda, to boost their beekeeping to commercial level with a […]