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CSR in the Saloum Delta: Actors invited to draw inspiration from the SAVI methodology

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Ndangane Sambou: The two-day workshop focused on: “Engagement of the private sector in the conservation of the landscape of the Saloum Delta through corporate social responsibility (CSR)”, was a good opportunity to invite the various actors to explore the SAVI methodology (Sustainable Asset Valuation).

SAVI presentation by IISD

As indicated by the director of the regional development agency (ARD) of Fatick, Djidiack Faye, “this evaluation tool should make it possible to identify development priorities to focus on the Saloum Delta and to measure the positive impacts or negative of the different interventions ”.

These tools would make it possible to make an economic evaluation of the interventions in the natural area of ​​the Saloum Delta where, according to Ouleye Ndiaye, project manager at Wetlands international, there are “several stakeholders who should be made aware of the need to preserve natural resources . Especially with the new challenges of oil and gas exploitation. ”

The workshop organized by Wetlands International Africa is part of the advocacy capacity building project for the engagement of the private sector in the conservation of the Saloum Delta through corporate social responsibility (CSR). The High Advisor of the territorial collectivities (HCCT) Mamadou Diop Thioune, to say that “this tool is relevant for our institution to help the State, the elected officials and the populations, taking into account the environmental, economic and social dimension of investments to come up.
For us, it will be a win-win in the implementation process. ”

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