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Eastern-Africa Office Ms. Julie Mulonga Wetlands International Eastern Africa Woodlands Road, Woodland Court, Off Dennis Pritt Road P.O. Box 22475-00505 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (+254) 707 […]

Senegal / Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds: Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye presents the 2015 AEWA Award to the press

The prestigious 2015 AEWA Award recently conferred to Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye in Bonn, Germany, was presented to the media at a press briefing this Tuesday, […]

Senegal / RBDS Management: Wetlands International and the Foundiougne DC sign Partnership Agreement

As part of the Mangrove Platform introduced in March by the District Council of this area with the technical and financial support of Wetlands International, […]

Senegal / Amadou Sow, AIV Ndiaël winner of 2015 AEWA Award: ”This award is a challenge and a motivation for us’’

The President of the Inter Villager Association (AIV) of Ndiaël is aware of the magnitude of the task that awaits him and his organization after […]

Senegal / Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Award Recipient AWA 2015: “Wetlands International has given everything to me”

Such are the hailing words Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye, an expert associate with Wetlands International, has used to express his gratitude this Thursday, November 26th, 2015 […]

Sélingué, Mali / Integrated water resources management – The BAM-GIRE Programme launched by Wetlands International

Wetlands International Mali has chosen the city of Sélingué, 140 km from Bamako, to launch its new program on integrated water resources management called “BAM-GIRE. […]

Sévaré, Mali / Planning and Water Resources Management – Wetlands International builds the capacity of CSOs in Upper Niger and DIN on communication and advocacy

On initiative of the Integrated Management Water Resources Programme (Bam-Gire), funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali, Wetlands International Mali […]


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Become a member Our members are national governments and NGOs who share and support our goals, contribute annually through dues to the Wetlands International Association, […]